Antoinette d’Ansembourg
born 1994
Lives and works in Brussels
co-founder of Atelier Triphasé
ceramic, sculpture, installation, drawing & painting


picture by Adrien de Hemptinne


“I draw and make sculptures because I like to avoid words. My irrepressible need to build with clay, hempcrete, industrial objetcs, textile and even plasticine is more telling. These ensembles of shapes are like pawns in a large, modular game with an infinit number of possiblities. They evoke many different things, but pinning them down is more problematic; are they sexual? Vegetal? Animal? I aim to encourage this ambiguity, and hope to provoke curiosity, discomfort, sometimes disgust. What ultimately guides my work, however, is representing nature, parts of our bodies, our insides and the fluids that circulate in all living things. After working on a series of pieces for a while, the repetitions of my gestures start to make sense – all the uncertain decisions taken during the process lead to this. It works. This is why I make sculptures."



«BALLROOM INVITES» Solo Show, Ballroom Gallery, January 2024


“SPECTERS OF THE FUTURE” groupshow, Doel Festival and Espace Triphasé, September 2023
“CENTRALE - VITRINE” Solo Show, Bruxelles, November 2023
“ADAF 2” Design Fair, Studio City Gate, Brussels
“OF OFF OFFF” groupshow, After After - OFF Art Brussels


“MODERN CRAFT #2” groupshow, Mad home of creators, Brussels
“STRONGER THAN LANGUAGE” groupshow, galerie Romero Paprocki, Paris
“CORRIDOR” groupshow, curated by Elders Collectief, Kortrijk
“OUT OF ORDER” groushow, curated by Pilar ULB, Brussels
“L’ANTICIPATION D’UN FUTUR” groupshow, CWB Paris & Le Point Contemporain, Brussels “ADAF” Design Fair, La Vallée, Brussels
“TICKING ON THE HORIZON” groupshow, Cloud seven, Brussels
“CENDAR BRUSSELS” groupshow, galerie Zotto, Brussels
“CEREALE BOOM” groupshow and residency, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


“ULTÉRIEUR” groupshow, Avee gallery, Kortrijk
“SMALL TALK” solo show, Adaventura, Brussels
“SANTÉ FOREVER” curated par Marlies de Clerck, Brussels
“PLEASE TALK LOUDER” group show, Espace Triphasé, Brussels


“LA TOTALE COLLECTIVE”, summer residency and groupshow, Studio Orta, Paris
“UN SAMEDI SANS NOM”, collaborative installation installation with Alice Pandolfo, Atelier Triphasé, Brussels


“PLAYTIME” groupshow, WOLKE, Brussels
“LABO/DEMO” groupshow, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris
“ALL IN ONE”, graduation show, Kanal Pompidou, Brussels
“SCULPTURE?/SCULPTURE”, groupshow, Counter Space, Art Brussels
“VIEWS FROM THE TOP” groupshow, ENSAV La Cambre, Bruxelles
“CRASH TEST”, ENSAV La Cambre, Brussels
“INNUENDO”, solo show, L’artichaut studio, Brussels
“18 CM × 13 CM”, Cdlt+, Liège
“GENERATION BRUSSELS”, Brussels Gallery Weekend, Espace Vanderborght, Brussels
“L’OMBRE DU ZÈBRE N’A PAS DE RAYURES”, La Cambre, Espace Vanderborght, Brussels


Point Contemporain, Numéro #27 – trimestriel – décembre 2022-
janvier-février 2023 couverture et entretien “Anticipation d’un futur” Journal


